No better time than right now to enjoy Paul VanDeCarr's moving and informative personal essay, Harvey Milk Lives about the production of Gus Van Sant's MILK.
This coming May 22nd would have been Harvey Milk's 78th birthday. Mayor Gavin Newsom and scads of SF luminaries will celebrate the occasion by unveiling the long-awaited Milk Memorial statue at City Hall that evening. Find more info on the website and if you can't make it to the ceremony please go ahead and make a donation to the Milk Memorial Project (they're still raising money).
Entertainment Weekly released the first production still from MILK this week. Does he look like Harvey Milk? Well, not exactly. But there are other candid shots that leaked out online during shooting that seem more convincing (tho' one witty queen on commented that in the shots of him after he grows his beard out he looks more and more like Pete Townsend).
A leading figure in the LGBT film world, Jenni Olson has been making connections between queer films and the audiences who need to see them for more than 30 years. She is one of the world's leading experts on LGBT cinema history and was also one of the founders of She is currently an independent consultant. Jenni is also an acclaimed writer and filmmaker — her latest film project is The Royal Road. Follow Jenni on Facebook or Twitter for updates. To read even more biographical details, please click here.